AI Safety Summit

AI Safety Summit

The AI summit is a global event that took place on the 1 and 2 November 2023 at Bletchley park Buckinghamshire.

The summit brought together International governments and leaders of leading AI and social media companies .

The summit was hosted by UK PM Rishi Sunak and Heads of state from the EU and the Vice President of The United sates of America and UN Secretary General were in attendance .

Also major representatives of Facebook and Guest Elon Musk were present.

Gardenstylelondon and Black Lotus my fellow event organisers brief was to install planting to reflect the nature of the summit.

The areas at Bletchley we were charged with providing plant backdrops included

* The main VIP entrance and arrivals to the summit with Bletchley park as the backdrop.
* The UK Prime ministers office and heads of state guest lounges.
* The Clarke Pavilion, a private lounge for the use of government and social media delegations.
* The Lakeside pavilion, planting in the large lounge area before entry to the main summit meeting space .

AI Safety Summit - Bletchley Park - Garden Style London
AI Safety Summit - Bletchley Park - Garden Style London
AI Safety Summit - Bletchley Park - Garden Style London
AI Safety Summit - Bletchley Park - Garden Style London
AI Safety Summit - Bletchley Park - Garden Style London
AI Safety Summit - Bletchley Park - Garden Style London
AI Safety Summit - Bletchley Park - Garden Style London

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